With whom I know


The terrible Truth of today!And yet we must continue our way.From the source of who we should beTo create live, remaining a human being.Read poems ›

Truth = The Path to the Source

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Love = Truth * Good


Falsehood is scarier than death,Falsehood is more horrifying than emptiness,Falsehood from your lips to my earsIs transmitted quietly and flawless.Read poems ›

Falsehood = Crooked path of Samsara

War = Falsehood * Whatever

Viy by Mykola Hohol ›


Communication = Logistics of Truth


The formula exists!It's on the Ukrainian coat of arms:Live by a Will, or in a coffin your death.Peace can be achieved only by a true Will,And only in Love true Will still exists.Only when I walk my path by the Truth.Everything else is Falsehood and emptiness!Read poems ›

Will = to live in Love

Constitution of Ukraine1996 ›1993 ›
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